
Produce More with the Fabricators you Already Have

Fabrication Cobot Solutions Made for Welders

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Upcoming Events

May 1-2nd, 2024
Booth 1125
Nashville, Tennessee
Free registration code: HIREVIP
May 6-9th, 2024
Booth 3442
Chicago, Illinois

Struggling with welder shortage?

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Struggling to find and retain skilled welders to meet your current production demands?

Do you struggle with decreased output and a sluggish time to market?

Do you have backlogs or lose contracts because you can't produce more?

Most traditional automation cells are not suited for your high-mix and low-volume production needs and need you to hire programmers which doesn't solve your initial problem: a lack of qualified labor.


Welders Needed by 2025

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Empower your welders to work on high-value tasks and let the Cobot Welder increase your Business Productivity and Quality

See how the Cobot Welder helps.

Schedule a Demo

Improve Your Production Like These Companies


Fast to Production

Faster time-to-teach makes automated welding of smaller batches affordable and efficient.

Our welding cobot tool includes proprietary technologies, like the smart teaching puck and the smartphone application, making it hands down the fastest welding cobot to set up and teach on the market. 

Empower the Welders you Already Have

Your productivity hinges on ease-of-use for your welders, not robot programmers. Welders care about torch angles and weld settings, not TCPs and coordinate systems.

Empowering your welders to program the cobot welding tool by themselves is good for technology adoption and your bottom line. 

a robotic welder operator programming a welding cobot through an app

Higher Productivity & Quality

The efficiency of welding cobots allows your company to be able to accept more jobs or speed up your time-to-market. The quality and the speed of weld jobs are an advertisement in themselves. This can help drive people to your business and give you the bandwidth to accept them.

Our Products


Cobot Welder

A welding cobot made for welders

Our latest welding robot solution uses a Universal Robot cobot and a proprietary smartphone application. Empower your welders to teach the robot without prior robotic knowledge.


Cobot Cutter

Plasma Cutting Cobot for Fabricators

Our revolutionary new plasma cutting product that leverages the ease of use of the Beacon platform.


ESAB Cobot

Free your welders for jobs that demand their skills

Thanks to the Aristo 500ix welding power source, the ESAB Cobot includes an advanced pulse functionality that minimizes spatter, so there’s less rework and more cost savings.


Beacon App

Cloud-based cobot tool that helps all production teams maximize uptime.

Unleash the power of your cobots with Beacon, a software solution that provides a robust toolset to help you understand how your application is running and gain visibility into issues to proactively support production.

In 3 Easy Steps

Schedule a Demo

You'll find out if the Cobot Welder is a good fit for your welding tasks.

You'll also learn how to use the Cobot Welder app and how simple it is!

Setup your Cobot Welder

In 2 weeks, you'll receive your Cobot Welder and start welding before the end of the day

Boost Productivity

The Cobot Welder will now take care of your repetitive welding jobs and enjoy seeing your business grow!

Schedule a Demo

We Are Welders Too!

We know what it feels like to lack the workforce you need to achieve your business goals. This is why we believe in empowering the welders you already have on your team.

We are welders too, so we understand how robot programming can be a challenge for your team. This is why our proprietary smartphone app for the Cobot Welder is a game-changer.

By empowering your welders to teach your welding cobot, they can oversee the setup and production quality and produce more while working on other value-added tasks!

Bringing in the cobots (Cobot Welders) and get them up and running, it actually increased our output 400%.

Mark Moye
Advanta Southeast

With the Cobot Welders, we have actually had welders come and run the Cobots and they have been able to learn to program it in half an hour.

Matt Blowers

Beyond expectation, it was actually easier than what we were told it was going to be.

Mark Richards
Alphidia LLC

Grow and improve your fabrication business

At Hirebotics, we know that you want to grow and improve your business. In order to do that, you need welders to keep production running.

The problem is that welders are harder than ever to find, hire and retain which makes you feel overworked and clueless about avoiding backlogs.

We believe that with the right tools, you can grow your business by leveraging the welders and employees you already have. We understand your team might not know about welding automation or programming robots, which is why we help companies like yours increase their productivity with a welding cobot made for welders—even if they don’t have robotics knowledge.

How to start? Simply schedule a demo with our team.

You can stop losing time, contracts, and looking for welders to hire and instead use the team you have in place to keep growing your business. 

Get a Virtual Demo Today!

Get the Ebook

Getting Started with Welding Cobots

Learn about insights, best practices, and actionable steps to automate your welding operations with collaborative robots.
Download the Guide to Welding Cobot